Sample paper
Social Science (087),
Summative Assessment-II
Class X – (2012-13)
Multiple Choice Questions
1 Mark each
Q1. In Prussia, large landowners were known as
A. Junkers
B. Jacobins
C. Habsburg
D. Conservatives
Ans. (A) Junkers 1M
Q. 2 Who formed a secret society called young Italy?
A. Givseppe Mazzini
B. Otto von Bismarck
C. Victor Emmannel II
D. Count Camillo de Cavour
Ans. (A) Givseppe Mazzini
Q. 3. When did the creation of Indo-China Union, including Cochinchina, Annam, Tonkin and Cambodia (and later Laos) took place? 1M
A. 1887
B. ’1888
C. 1889
D. 1890
Ans. 1887
Q4. Which film of John F. Coppola reflected the moral confusion that the U.S – Vietnamese war had created in the U.S.A. 1M
A. Apocalypse Now
B. Green Berets
C. No Mans’ Land
D. Saving Private Ryan
Ans. Apocalypse Now
Q5. Q5. What was Vietminh? 1M
A. League for the Independence of Vietnam
B. League for the Independence of China
C. League for the Independence of Japan
D. League for the Independence of Korea
Ans. League for the Independence of Vietnam
Q. 6. Who wrote ‘Hind Swaraj’? 1M
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Subhash Chandra Bose
D. Sarojini Naidu
Q 7. In which Congress session the demand for ‘Purna Swaraj’ adopted? 1M
A. Lahore session
B. Calcutta Session
C. Nagpur Session
D. Belgaum Session
Q.8. Who threw the bomb in the Legislative Assembly in April 1929? 1M
A. Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt
B. Jatin Das and Ajay Ghosh
C. Chandra Shekhar Azad and Sukhdev
D. Rajguru and Rash Behari Ghosh
3 Marks
Q.1. What was the Civil Code of 1804 ? 3M
Ans. The civil Code of 1804 – usually known as the Napoleonic code – abolished all the privileges based on birth, created quality before the law and secured the right to property. Moreover, this code was also exported to the regions under French control.
Q.2. Briefly describe Zollverein? 3M
Ans. In 1834, Zollverein or customs union was established at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states. The union did away with tariff barriers and decreased the number of currencies from over thirty to only two.
Q 3. Which was the Balkans region? 3M
Ans. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic diversity consisting modern day Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia – Harzegoina, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were broadly called as Slavs.
Q.4. Who was Confucius 3M
Ans. Confucius (551-479) BCE was a Chinese thinker and philosopher who developed a philosophical system based on practical wisdom, good behaviour and proper social relationships. The people were taught to respect their parents and obey their elders. The relationship between the ruler and the people was described as between the parents and children.
Q5 Why did the French thought that colonies were necessary? 3M
Ans. The Colonies were considered necessary to supply natural resources and other important goods and commodities. They were also guided by the idea of ‘civilizing mission’. In other words, they claimed that it was their duty to introduce modern ideas to civilize backward people.
Q6 What were the obstacles in economic growth of Vietnam? 3M
Ans. There were a number of barriers in economic growth of Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and widespread indebtedness among the farmers. Moreover, increasing unemployment and lack of industrialization led to increased landlordism and declining standard of living.
Q 7.What was Rowlatt Act? 3M
Rowlett Act gave the government enormous powers to suppress political activities and allowed detention of political prisons without trial for two years. In other words, the act proposed no appeal, no vakil and no daleel.
Q.8 Why was the Khilafat Movement started? 3M
Ans. Khilafat movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi and Ali brothers Mohammed Ali and Shaukat Ali – in response to the harsh treatment given to Caliph of Ottomon Empire and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire by the British.
Q. 9. Who formed the Swaraj Party and why? 3M
Ans. Swaraj Party was formed by C.R Das and Motilal Nehru. They felt that it was necessary to oppose British policies within the councils, argue for reform and also show that these councils were not truly democratic. That is why they wanted to contest elections and carry on their battles in the councils.
5 Mark Questions
Q1. What was Romanticism? How was it linked to Nationalism? 5M
Ans. Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a specific from of nationalist sentiment. Romantic artists and poets usually were critical of glorification of science and reason. They gave greater importance to intuition, emotions and mystical feelings. Their attempt was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past, as the basis of a nation. They gave importance to vernacular language and collection of local folklore to recover not only an ancient national spirit but also to take forward the modern Nationalist ideas to a larger audience.
Q2. Discuss the stages of the formation of Great Britain as a National state? 5M
Ans. In Britain, the formation of the nation state was the consequence of a long drawn out process. There was no British nation before the 18th century. The people who inhabitated British Isles were of ethnic groups like English, Irish, Scot or Welsh. In 1688, English Parliament wrested control from the monarchy. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland led to creation of ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’. The English now dominated Scotland’s culture and its political institutions. The catholic people of Scottish highlands were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language and a large number of them were forced out of their habitats.
Ireland met the same fate, the English supported the Protestants of Ireland and increased their domination over this largely catholic nation. In 1801, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom. A new ‘British nation’ with symbols like British flag (union Jack), National anthem (God save our Noble King) and the English language became forbearer of English culture and the older nations became subservient partners in this Union.
QQ 3.Write a character sketch of Ho Chi Minh? 5M
Ans. Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) was born as Nguyen Van Thanh in central Vietnam. He briefly became a teacher in 1910. He later became an active member of the Comintern and met Lenin and other revolutionary leaders. In February 1930, Ho Chi Minh brought together competing nationalist groups to establish the Vietnamese Communist (Vietnam Cong San Dang) Party, later renamed the Indochinese Communist Party. In 1943, he took the name Ho Chi Minh (He who enlightens). He became President of the Vietnam Democratic Republic in 1945. He led the Party successfully for around 40 years, struggling to preserve Vietnamese autonomy. He breathed his last on 3rd Sep. 1969.
Q4. Discuss the consequences of U.S. Vietnamese War? 5M
Ans. The U.S. failed to achieve its objectives: The Vietnamese resistance had not been crushed and the support of the Vietnamese for U.S. action had not been won. The war had caused death of thousands of soldiers both U.S and Vietnamese and destruction of property and peace. It was also called first television war as battle scenes were shown on the daily news programme. It created strong reactions in the U.S and many who became disillusioned with U.S. policies praised Vietnamese heroic defense of their nation. Noam Chomsky famous linguist and theoretician, called the war ‘the greatest threat to peace to national self determination and to international cooperation’.
Q.5 Discuss the programmes in Non cooperation Movement? 5M
Ans. Gandhi proposed that the movement should unfold in stages. It began with surrender of titles that the government had awarded, and a boycott of army, courts, legislative councils, civil services and police. Later, in case of government repression, full civil disobedience campaign will be launched. Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops were picketed and bonfires of foreign cloth was undertaken. There was also emphasis on using of Khadi cloth and swadeshi (indigenous) goods and commodities.
Q 6. Discuss the background and provisions of Poona Pact? 5M
Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who organized the dalits into the Depressed Classes Association in 1930 demanded separate electorates for dalits in the Second Round Table Conference organized in London. When British accepted this demand in the name of Communal Award Gandhi ji started a fast unto death. He believed that separate electorate for dalits would slow down the process of their integration into the society. Ambedkar and Gandhi came to an agreement with Ambedkar accepting Gandhi’s position and the result was the Poona Pact of September 1932. It gave the depressed classes (later to be known as Schedule castes) reserved seats in provincial and central legislative councils, but they were to be voted in by the general electorate.
(Political Science)
Class X
Multiple Choice Questions
1 Marks each
Q1. In what respect is a democratic government better than its alternatives? 1
a) Efficiency
b) Responsiveness
c) Transparency
d) Legitimacy
(Chapter 7, P-91)
Ans: d) Legitimacy
Q2. Which one of the following is a special feature that distinguishes a movement from an interest group? 1M
a) Its functioning continues even after the goal is achieved.
b) Most of them are issue specific to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.
c) It includes a very wide variety of objectives to achieve with no time limit.
d) It has no political aspirations.
(Chapter 5, P-65)
Ans: b) Most of them are issue specific to achieve a single objective within a limited time frame.
Q3. What does Universal Adult suffrage stand for?
A. Right to vote
B. Right to Education
C. Right to Marriage
D. Right to Religion
Ans. (A) Right to vote 1M
Three Marks Questions
Q1. Explain any three most effective ways in which the pressure groups and movements influence the politics of a country. 3x1 = 3M
Ans: Ways to influence polities
i) The pressure groups try to gain public support and sympathy for their goals through campaigns, meetings, filing petitions etc.
ii) They often organize protest activities like strikes or disrupting government programmes
iii) Some persons from pressure groups or movements may participate in official bodies and committees
Q2. Identify and explain any three challenges which political parties need to face and overcome in order to remain effective instruments of democracy. 3x1 = 3M
Ans: The Challenges which Political Parties need to face our
Lack of internal democracy within the parties. There is a tendency towards the concentration of power in one or few top leaders.
• Parties do not keep membership registers.
• They do not hold organizational meetings.
• They also do not hold internal elections regularly.
ii) The leaders assure greater power to make decisions in the name of the party.
iii) Since one or a few leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership find it difficult to continue in the party.
iv) Due to dynastic succession and lack of open and transparent procedures, it becomes difficult for an ordinary worker to rise to the top of the party.
v) Growing role of money and muscle power in parties, increasing role of rich people and big companies, support to criminals etc influence the policies and decisions of the party.
vi) Very often parties do not offer a meaningful choice to the voters.
(Any three points)
(Chapter 76, P-83)
Five Marks Questions
Q1. How far has India succeeded in overcoming, the challenge of expansion before its democracy? Evaluate. 5M
Ans: Like most of the established democracies of the world, India, too, faces the challenge of expansion.
i) India applies basic principles of democracy across all the regions, different social groups and various institutions.
ii) Federal principles have been extended to all the units of the federation giving the right to make laws on the subjects in the state list.
iii) Local governments –both rural and urban have been ensured more powers.
iv) Reservation of seats has ensured the participation of women, the minority groups SCs, STs and BCs in the governance of the country.
v) All the above points mean that less and less decisions are taken outside the arena of democratic control.
(Chapter 8, P-102)
Q2. `Democracy is seen to be good in principle, but felt, to be not so good in practice. Justify the statement with suitable arguments. 5
Ans: If we look at some of the democratic policies being implemented in more than one hundred countries of the world, democracy seems to be good. For example, having a formal Constitution, holding regular elections, guaranteeing the citizens certain rights, working for the welfare of the people etc. make us advocate that democracy is good.
But if look in terms of social situations, their economic achievements and varied culture, we find a very big difference in most of the democracies. The vast economics disparities, social injustice based on discrimination, standard of life, sex discrimination etc. creates many doubts about the merit of democracy.
Whenever some of our expectations are not met, we start blaming the idea of democracy. Since democracy is first a form of government, it can only create conditions for achieving our goals if they are reasonable.
(Chapter 7, P-90)
Class X
Multiple Choice Questions
1 mark each
Q 1. The ISI, A-Mark or Hallmark logo on a package assures:-
i) Quality
ii) Right price
iii) No preservative used
iv) Eco friendly products
Ans – i)
Q. 2. A shopkeeper insists that you buy a guide with your NCERT textbook. Which right of the consumer is being violated:-
i) Right to be informed
ii) Right to choose
iii) Right to information
iv) Right to safety
Ans –– ii)
Q. 3. The consumer Protection Act 1986 ensures
i) Right to see a movie
ii) Right to consumer education.
iii) Right to having a computer.
iv) Right to a facebook account.
Ans: ii)
3 Mark Questions
Q. 1. In spite of Globalization creating good quality product and expanding market, how is it affecting stability in jobs for the workers? 3M
a) Employment of ‘flexible workers’
b) Increased competition, objective to lower costs, the axe falls on the ‘labour costs’ – temporary jobs given.
c) Longer working hours for labour to get suitable salaries.
Q.2. How is the M.N.C able to cope with large demands all over the world and control prices? 3M
1. Large MNCs in developed countries place order for production with small producers.
2. The MNC’s sell these under their own.
3. As they control the market with the huge demand they are able to control prices.
Five Marks Questions
Q. 1. How have the SHG’s affecting the economic weaker section 5M
1. Bank not present everywhere in rural areas
2. Difficulties in getting loans
3. Weaker section may not have collaterals
4. High rates at interest by money lenders
Class X
Multiple Choice Questions
One Mark Questions
Q1. Identify the power plant which is different from the other three power plants? 1M
A) Narora B) Korba C) Naively D) Talc her (Page 61)
1. Ans: A
Q2. Which one of the following is finest quality of Coal? 1M
A) Peat B) Lignite C) Anthracite D]Bituminous (Page 51)
2. Ans: C
Q3. Identify the state from the following which is famous for the productions of cotton and woolen textiles? 1M
A) Srinagar B) Ahmadabad C) Bangalore D) Varanasi (Page 69)
3. Ans:
Q4. Which one of the following is a major seaport as well as international airport? 1M
A) Chennai B) Vishakhapatnam C) Tiruvanthapuram D) Marmangoa (Page 89)
4. Ans: A
Three Marks Questions
Q2. Explain any three reasons for shifting sugar industry from Northern India to South India 3M
Ans:. Reasons for shifting of sugar industry
1. The production of sugarcane per hectare is higher in peninsular Industry.
2. The sucrose content is higher.
3. The crushing season is longer in south India.
4. The co-operatives are more successful in southern states
Q3. Why is the air transport more popular in the North Eastern Part of the country? Give three reasons. 3M
Ans: Air transport is more useful in North eastern part of India because of
1. There is a marked presence of big rivers.
2. Dissected relief features
3. Frequent floods.
4. Presence of dense forests.
5. International frontiers.
Five Marks Questions
Q1. “The Iron and Steel industry is the basic as well as heavy industry”. Support the statement with suitable examples. 5M
Ans.: The iron and steel is called basic industry because all other industries depend on it for their Machinery. Steel is needed to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction material, defense, medical, telephones, scientific equipment and variety of consumer goods.
Iron and steel is a heavy industry because all the raw materials and finished goods are heavy. They are bulky also. They are entailing heavy transportation costs. Iron ore and limestone are required in high quantity. All very heavy. 145
Q 2 What is trade? Why tourism is called invisible trade? 5M
(Page 90-91)
Ans.: The exchange of goods among people states and countries is referred as trade. The services referred to foreign tourists are the invisible products of tourist industry. These products are included hospitality services. In the year 2004 we got Rs. 21828 crore of foreign exchange from foreign tourist.
Tourism also promotes national integration. It provides support to handicrafts and cultural pursuits. It also helps in the understanding about our culture and heritage. We can attract more tourists by providing facilities.
Q3. I)
Two features A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map. 2+3=5
(A) Iron Ore mines
(B) Terminal station of North South Corridor
On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols:
(C) Bangalore-Software Technology Park
(D) Kandla-Sea Port
Note: The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 10. 5M
10.1 Name any two iron-mines of Chhattisgarh
10.2 Which is the northernmost terminal station of North-South Corridor?
10.3 Name the software technology park located in Orissa.
10.4 Which is the southern most major sea port of India?
Value Based Questions
Social Science (087),
Summative Assessment-II
Class X – (2012-13)
Q. 1. Self Help Groups support has brought about a revolutionary change in the rural sector. Which values according to you is it able to support. 3M
Ans. Values (Any three)
1. Women empowerment
2. Team work
3. Self sufficiency
4. Eradication of poverty
Q 2. How can we save our limited energy sources? Suggest any three ways for its judicious use. 3M (Page 63)
Ans.: Ways for the judicious use of energy resources:
1. By using public transport system
2. Switching off electricity when not in use.
3. Using power saving devices.
4. Using non-conventional sources of energy.
Q3 `Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and disseminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity.” 3x1 = 3
Read the above statement carefully and answer the following questions :
i) Identify the Fundamental Right which is related to this statement.
ii) How do you feel when you come across words like `disadvantaged’ and `disseminated’ being used for a sections of citizens of free India?
iii) How far can `equal status’ and `equal opportunity’ restore back the dignity and freedom of these deprived classes?
i) The Right to Equality
ii) Even after more than 60 years of independence, when such words are still used, it looks to me a slier on the name of the country. Every citizen of India is equal in the eyes of laws which means they should be equal: politically, economically and socially.
iii) If equal opportunities are provided and availed of, it will raise and uplift the status of the people which in turn restore them the dignity and freedom. So, all out efforts should be made to bring social and economic equality.