Dear students this time I am furnishing you with not only the questions but with the answers too.Do make the best use of the same.
Q1.What is a mineral?
Ans. Mineral is a homogenous, naturally occurring substances with a definable internal structure.
Q2.What are rocks?
A. Rocks are the combinations of homogeneous substances called minerals.
Q3.Name a rock which consist of single mineral.
A. Limestone.
Q4.Write the factors on which formation of minerals depend?
Physical and chemical conditions.
Q5.What is the difference between a geographer and a geologist?
A.1.Geographer is the one who studies geography i.e.., the study of physical features of the earth and of human activity, where as a geologist is the one who studies geology that deals with the physical structure and substances of the earth.
2.Goegraphers study minerals as a part of the earth’s crust for better understanding of the landforms, distribution of resources and associated economic activities, where as the geologists are interested in the formation of the minerals ,their age & physical &chemical composition.
Q6.How are minerals found?
a.Minerals are found in the form of ores—an accumulation of any mineral mixed with other elements.
Q7. In which forms do the minerals occur?
A. Minerals occur in various forms as..
1. a)In Igneous and Metamorphic rocks: here they occur in cracks, crevices(narrow openings), faults or joints.
b) smaller occurrences are called veins and the larger-lodes.
c) formed from the solidification of lava.
d) Examples —tin, zinc, lead, copper.
2.In Sedimentary rocks:
a) in beds or layers.
b) formed as result of deposition, accumulation and concentration in horizontal strata.
c) Examples--Coal and some forms of iron ore and gypsum, potash salt and sodium salt. (these are formed as a result of evaporation especially in arid regions)
3. a)This formation involves decomposition of surface rocks and removal of soluble constituents, leaving a residual mass of weathered material containing ores.
b) Bauxite is one such example.
4 .a) some occur in alluvial deposits in sand and valley floors and base of hills—Placer deposits.
b) contains minerals which are not eroded by water.
c) Gold, silver, platinum.
5.In the ocean waters and in its beds.
a) Examples-- Common salt, magnesium and bromine in ocean water, Manganese nodules in the bed.
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