Q1.What is rat hole mining?
A.Coal mining done by family members in a form of long narrow tunnel is known as rat hole mining. It is done in Jowai and Cherapunjee.
Q2.What is the difference between open pit mine and quarry?
A.Open pit mine is a large hole in the ground containing minerals, where as the quarry is an area or earth surface that has been dug up to obtain minerals.
A.Coal mining done by family members in a form of long narrow tunnel is known as rat hole mining. It is done in Jowai and Cherapunjee.
Q2.What is the difference between open pit mine and quarry?
A.Open pit mine is a large hole in the ground containing minerals, where as the quarry is an area or earth surface that has been dug up to obtain minerals.
Q3.How are the minerals distributed in India?
Minerals are very unevenly distributed in India. These variations exist because of the differences in the geological structure, processes and time involved in the formation of minerals.
a)Peninsular rocks contains reserves of coal, metallic minerals, mica, and many other non-metallic minerals.
b)Sedimentary rocks on the eastern and western flanks of peninsula—in Gujrat and Assam have petroleum deposits.
c)Rajasthan with the rock systems of peninsula has the deposits ofmany non-ferrous minerals.
d)Alluvial plains of north are devoid of minerals.
Q4.What factors are essential for the effective economic viability of a reserve?
Concentration of mineral the ore, the ease of extraction, and closeness to the market are the factors.
Q5.What is the importance of ferrous minerals?
Ferrous minerals account for three -fourth of total value of production of metallic minerals.
b) They provide strong base for the development of metallurgical industries.
c) India exports substantial quantity of ferrous minerals after meeting internal demands.
Q6.Iron ore is the basic mineral and backbone of the industrial development. Give reasons to prove the statement
Iron ore is of great utility to us as., all machines and machine parts are made of iron.
b) It is used to make bridges, buildings
c) it provides raw material to many industries
d) is also useful in making alloys.
Q7. Difference between hematite and magnetite.
Magnetite is the finest ore with 70% of iron content where as Hematite has lower iron content-50-60%.
b)Magnetite has excellent megnatic qualities and is important for electrical industry, whereas Hematite is important in terms of quantity.
Q8. List major iron ore belts of India.
The major iron ore belts are:
ORRISA-JHARKHAND BELT— Orissa-high grade ore is found in Badampahar mines in the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts.
In Jharkhand — Singhbhum district, it is mined in Gua nad Noamundi.
Minerals are very unevenly distributed in India. These variations exist because of the differences in the geological structure, processes and time involved in the formation of minerals.
a)Peninsular rocks contains reserves of coal, metallic minerals, mica, and many other non-metallic minerals.
b)Sedimentary rocks on the eastern and western flanks of peninsula—in Gujrat and Assam have petroleum deposits.
c)Rajasthan with the rock systems of peninsula has the deposits ofmany non-ferrous minerals.
d)Alluvial plains of north are devoid of minerals.
Q4.What factors are essential for the effective economic viability of a reserve?
Concentration of mineral the ore, the ease of extraction, and closeness to the market are the factors.
Q5.What is the importance of ferrous minerals?
Ferrous minerals account for three -fourth of total value of production of metallic minerals.
b) They provide strong base for the development of metallurgical industries.
c) India exports substantial quantity of ferrous minerals after meeting internal demands.
Q6.Iron ore is the basic mineral and backbone of the industrial development. Give reasons to prove the statement
Iron ore is of great utility to us as., all machines and machine parts are made of iron.
b) It is used to make bridges, buildings
c) it provides raw material to many industries
d) is also useful in making alloys.
Q7. Difference between hematite and magnetite.
Magnetite is the finest ore with 70% of iron content where as Hematite has lower iron content-50-60%.
b)Magnetite has excellent megnatic qualities and is important for electrical industry, whereas Hematite is important in terms of quantity.
Q8. List major iron ore belts of India.
The major iron ore belts are:
ORRISA-JHARKHAND BELT— Orissa-high grade ore is found in Badampahar mines in the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts.
In Jharkhand — Singhbhum district, it is mined in Gua nad Noamundi.
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