Summative Assessment-1
October 2011
Design of Question paper
Blue Print - April - September 2011
Social Science
Sample question paper
Summative Assessment I
Class X Time: 3hours M.M.: 80
Instructions :
1.The question paper has 36 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2.Marks are indicated against each question.
3.Questions from serial number 1 to 16 are multiple choice questions (MCQ).
Each question carries one mark.
4.Questions from serial number 17 to 31 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
5.Questions from serial number 32 to 35 are 4 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
6.Question number 36 is a map question of 4 marks from Geography only. After completion,attach the map inside your answer book.
1.In which one of the following years Great Depression occurred in the world?
(a)1929-30 (b) 1935-36 (c)1939-40 (d) 1941-42
Who among the following, improved the steam engine produced by New Comen? 1
(a)Mathew Boulton (b) James Watt(c)Henry Ford (d) Grahm Bell
Which one of the following is correct about the Annual London Season? 1
(a)It was meant for wealthy Britishers only.
(b)Organised for the working class.
(c)Organised for the exchange of news.
(d)Organised for political action. 1
2.Which one of the following groups of the countries was known as the 'Central powers' in Europe?
(a)Germany, Russia and France(b) Russia, Germany and Britain (c) Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman-Turkey(d)Britain, Germany and Russia
Which of the following group of industries was the dynamic industries of England during its earliest phase of industrialization?
(a) Cotton and metals
(b) Cotton and silk
(c) Silk and footwears
(d) Footwears and glass 1
After reclamation how many islands were joined together to develop the city of Bombay
(a) Seven
(b) Five
(c) Three
(d) Ten
3. Who among the following developed the first known printing press in the 1430s? 1
(a) Johann Gutenburg (b) James Watt
(c) New Commen
(d) Marconi
Who among the following is the author of the novel 'Hard Times'? 1
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Charles Dickens (d) Samuel Richardson 1
4. The first printing press came to India with which one of the following?
(a) Portuguese Missionaries (b) Catholic Priests
(c) Dutch protestants (d) East India Company 1
Who among the following is the author of the novel 'Pariksha Guru'?
(a) Prem Chand
(b) Srinivas Das
(c) Devki Nandan Khatri
(d) Chandu Menon 1
5.Which one of the following soil types is the most widely spread and important soil in India?
(a)Laterite soils (b) Black soils
(c)Alluvial soils (d) Red and yellow soils 1
6.In which one of the following states, Corbett National Park is located?
(a)Assam (b) Madhya pradesh (c)Rajasthan (d) Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal) 1
7.On which one of the following rivers Sardar Sarovar Dam is built?
(a)River Kaveri (b) River Krishna(c)River Narmada (d) River Satluj 1
8.In which one of the following crops, India is the leading producer and exporter in the world?
(a)Jute (b) Tea(c)Coffee (d) Rubber 1
9.Which of the following minority communities is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?
(a)French (b) Dutch(c)German (d) English 1
10.Which one of the following languages is spoken by the majority of the people of Sri Lanka?
(a)Tamil (b) English(c)Sinhalese (d) French 1
11.Which one of the following countries fall in the category of 'coming together federation'?
(a)India (b) US (c)Spain (d) Belgium 1
12.Which one of the following does not come under the purview of 'family laws'?
(a)Matters related to marriage (b) Matters related to divorce
(c)Matters related to adoption (d) Matters related to robbery 1
13.Among the following criteria which one is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank
(a)Per Capita Income (b)Literacy Rate (c) Gross Enrolment Ratio (d)Life Expectancy 1
14.Which one among the following is a development goal common to all?
(a)Freedom (b)Equal opportunities (c) Security and respect (d)High levels of income and better quality of life 1
15. Which one of the following occupations is associated with primary sector?
(a) Doctor (b)Gardener(c) Teacher (d)Priest 1
16.Which one among the following is the most appropriate meaning of underemployment?
(a)Workers are not paid for their work (b)Workers are working less than what they are capable of doing (c) Workers are working in a lazy manner
(d)Workers do not want to work 1
17. Explain the impact of Great Depression of 1929 on the Indian economy giving three
points. 3x1=3
Explain any three problems faced by the cotton weavers in India during mid 19th century. 3x1=3
Explain any three reasons for the expansion of Bombay's (Mumbai's) population in mid 18th century. 3x1=3
18."Access to books created a new culture of reading". Support the statement giving three examples. 3x1=3
Explain the contribution of women writers on the writing of novels in India. 3x1=3
19.Explain how Martin Luther spoke in praise of print. 3x1=3
Explain the contribution of Prem Chand in the field of novel writing. 3x1=3
20.Explain giving three points how did the print culture develop in India? 3x1=3
Explain the contribution of Rokeya Hossein in the field of education and literature.
21.What is resource planning? Why is the planning of resource essential? Explain any two reasons. 1+2=3
22.Why do we need to conserve our forest and wildlife resources? Explain any three reasons. 3x1=3
23.Why is the scarcity of water increasing day by day in India? Explain any three reasons. 3x1=3
24.Mention any three provisions of the Act which was passed in Sri Lanka in 1956 to establish Sinhala supermacy 3x1=3
25.Explain overlapping and cross cutting social differences with three examples. 3x1=3
26.Explain any three factors that determine the outcome of politics of social division. 3x1=3
27.State any three facts to show that the women face disadvantage and discrimination in our patriarch society. 3x1=3
28.Explain any three different bases of comparison of economic development of different nations
/ states. 3x1=3
29.Describe any three public facilities needed for development. 3x1=3
30.Explain any three types of unemployment found in India. 3x1=3
31."Workers are exploited in unorganized sectors in India". Support the statement with suitable examples. 3x1=3
32.Explain the effects of coming of ‘rinderpest’ to Africa during the close of 19th century. 4x1=4
Explain giving four reasons why did the industrialists of Europe prefer hand labour over machines during the 19th century. 4x1=4
Why did well off Londoners support the need for building houses for the poor in 19th century?
Explain in four points. 4x1=4
33. What is the main contribution of agriculture to the national economy? Explain any three steps taken by the Government of India to modernize agriculture. 1+3=4
34.Explain any four features of federalism. 4x1=4
35. How can more employment be created in rural areas? Explain with the help of four suitable examples. 4x1=4
36.Three features with serial number 1 to 3 are marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct
names on the lines marked in the Map. 3x1=3
(1)Soil type (2)Tiger Reserve (3)The leading coffee producing state
Locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols on the same Map. 3x1=3
(a) Hirakud Dam
(b) Sunderbans national park
(c) The largest producing state of Bajra
Social Science
Marking Scheme
Class X
Part I
1.(a) or (b) or (a)
2.(c) or (a) or (a)
3.(a) or (c)
4.(a) or (b)
5.(c) 6. (d)
7.(c) 8. (b)
9. (a) 10. (c)
11.(b) 12. (d)
13.(a) 14. (d)
15.(b) 16. (b)
Part II
17. i. The depression affected Indian trade.
ii.Indian imports as well as exports almost halved between 1928 and 1934.
iiiAs international prices crashed, prices in India also plunged.
iv.Wheat prices fell by 50%
v.Although agricultural prices fell sharply yet the colonial govt. refused to reduce revenue demands.
vi.The prices of raw jute also crashed to about 60%.
vii.The peasants were under heavy indebtedness.
viii. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained)
i.The export market collapsed and the local market shrank.
ii.Imported cotton goods were cheaper and Indian weavers could not compete with
iii.Procuring raw cotton of good quality was very difficult because the prices were very high.
iv.The market was flooded with machine made goods.
v. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
i. Bombay (Mumbai) developed into the biggest sea port along the Arabian sea coast.
ii. It became the capital of Bombay Presidency in 1819.
iii. Large number of cotton textile industries sprang up which attracted lots of labour.
iv. It became the centre of film industry.
v. It provided direct sea link with Europe.
vi. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
18. i. Before the printing press the reading of books was restricted to the elites only.
ii. With the printing press a new reading public emerged.
iii. Books reached to the wider section of the public.
iv. With the print the hearing public changed into a reading public.
v. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
i. In the earlier stages women began writing stories, poems etc.
ii. In early 20th century, women in South India began writing novels.
iii. Their writings allowed for a new conception of womanhood.
iv. Stories of love showed women who could choose or refuse their partners and
v. Some women authors wrote about the women who changed the world of both men
and women.
vi. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
19. i. Martin Luther wrote 95 theses criticizing many of the practices and ritual of the Roman
Catholic Church.
ii. Luther's writings were immediately reproduced in vast numbers and read widely.
iii. This led to a division within the Church and to the beginning of the Protestant
iv. Luther's translation of the New Testament sold 5000 copies within a few weeks.
v. Deeply grateful to print, Luther said, "printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest
vi.Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained)
i. Prem Chand's novels are filled with all kinds of powerful characters drawn from all levels of society.
ii. The women characters are also strong individuals.
iii.Prem Chand's characters create a community based on democratic values.
iv.Prem Chand's best known work is 'Godan'.
v.It is an epic of Indian peasantry.
vi.Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
20. i. The printing press first came to Goa with Portuguese missionaries in the mid 16th century.
ii.By 1674 about 50 books had been printed in Konkani and Kanara languages.
iii.Catholic priests first printed Tamil books in 1579 at Cochin.
iv. In 1713 first Malayalam book was printed.
v. English writing developed much after the coming of English East India Company.
vi.Then Indians began publishing Indian newspapers.
vii.Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained)
i.Rokeya Hossein was a social reformer.
iiShe started a school for girls in Calcutta (Kolkata).
iii.She wrote satiric fantasy in English.
It shows the world in which women will take the place of men.
Her novel 'Padamarag' shows the need for women to reform their conditions
vi.Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
21.Resource Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources.
Reasons: 1 mark
i.Resources are unevenly distributed over the country.
ii.Some regions are rich in certain types of resources but are deficient in some other resources.
iii.There are some regions which have acute shortage of some vital resources.
iv.Resources are limited.
v. Resource planning helps in reducing wastage.
vi.Resource planning takes care of future generation.
vii.Any other relevant point.
(Any two points to be explained) 1+2=3
Need to conserve forest and wild life resources :
i.Rapid decline in forests and wildlife population.
ii. Conservation maintains the ecological balance
iii.Forest depletion accelerates soil erosion.
iv. Conservation is needed to protect wildlife because wildlife is threatened by man'sintervention.
v. They provide economic benefits.
vi. Any other relevant point.
(Any three reasons to be explained) 3x1=3
Reasons of scarcity of water :
i.Rapidly growing population.
ii.Rising demand of food and cash crops.
iii.Water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigated areas and dry seasons
iv. Industrialisation
v.Any other relevant reason.
(Any three reasons to be explained) 3x1=3
i.Sinhala to be the official language of Srilanka
ii.Preferential policy of Sinhalese in government educational institutions and jobs
iii. To foster Buddhism
iv. Any other relevant point
(Any three points)
Social divisions take place when some social difference overlaps with other differences, the difference between blacks and whites become a social division in the US because they tend to be poor, homeless and discriminated against. If social differences cross cut one another, it is difficult to pit one group of people against the other. Consider the cases of Northern Ireland
and the Netherlands. Both are predominantly Christians but divided between Catholics and Protestants. In Northern Ireland, class and religion overlap with each other. If you are Catholic,you are also likely to be poor and you may have suffered a history of discrimination. In the Netherlands, class and religion tend to cut across each other. Catholics and Protestants are about equally likely to be poor or rich. The result is that Catholics and Protestants have had
29.conflicts in Northern Ireland, while they do not do so in the Netherlands. Overlapping social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions. Cross-cutting social differences are easier to accommodate.
(Any three example)
i.First of all, the outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people see their identities in singular, it becomes difficult to accommodate.
ii. Secondly, it depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any community. It
is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework and
are not at the cost of another community.
iii.Thirdly, it depends on how the govt. reacts to the demands of different groups. Minorities
should also be taken care of with the majority.
i. The literacy rate among women is only 54% as compared to 76% among men.
ii. Proportion of women among the highly paid and valued jobs is still very small.
iii. The Equal Wages Act provides that equal wages should be paid to equal work but in practice it is not so.
iv. Parents in majority still prefer to have sons and find ways to have the girl child aborted.(Any three points) 3x1=3
Following indicators are generally used for comparison of economic development of different
nations / states :
i. Per capita income : It helps in comparison of the level of development of differentregions within the country or different nations.
ii. Infant Mortality rate : It refers to deaths among children before the age of one year per thousand children born in a year.
iii.Literacy rate : It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age group.
iv.Life expectancy : Average expected length of life of a person.
v. Gross enrolment ratio : For three levels for primary, secondary and higher
vi. Persons living below poverty line.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
Public facilities refer to facilities, which a person cannot arrange at individual level, these are
provided by government. Following are the main public facilities:
i. Pollution free environment
ii.Good infrastructure like transport.
iii.Collective security for the whole locality
iv.Opening schools, colleges and hospitals
v. Taking preventive steps from infectious diseases
vi.Provision for safe drinking water, sanitation facilities etc.
vii.Provision for public distribution system.
(Any three points to be described) 3x1=3
The three types of unemployment found in India are :
i.Disguised unemployment
iiSeasonal unemployment
iii.Structural unemployment
iv.Cyclical unemployment
v. Technological unemployment
(Explanation of any three) 3x1=3
31.i. Workers are paid less wages, there is no job security,
ii.Working conditions are poor.
iii.They have to work for long hours.
iv. Any other relevant point.
Any three to be explained) 3x1=3
32.i. Rinderpest was carried by infected cattle imported by British .
ii.Rinderpest spread like forest fire.
iii.Within few years it affected the whole of Africa killing 90% of the cattle.
iv. The loss of cattle forced the Africans into the labour market.
v. The scarce resources were under the European colonizers who conquered and
subdued Africa
vi. Any other relevant point
(Any four points to be explained)
i.The was no shortage of labour at that period of time.
ii. Installation of machinery required large capital investment which the industrialists did not want to invest.
iii.In seasonal industries only seasonal labour was required
iv.Intricate designs and different samples required human skills only.
v. In Victorian age - the aristocrats and other upper class people preferred articles made by hand.
vi. Any other relevant point.
(Any four points to the explained) 4x1=4
i.Living in unhygienic slums was very dangerous for the poor.
ii.Slums were also harmful not to the slum dwellers but also to the general public.
iii.In slums there was always fear of fire hazards.
iv. fter the Russian revolution of 1917, it was felt that the people who are slum dwellers may not rebel.
v. Any other relevant point
(Any four points to be explained) 4x1=4
Contribution of agriculture
Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy. Its share in providing employment
and livelihood to the population continues to be as high as 63 per cent in 2001.
Steps taken by the Government.
i. InDian Council of Agricultural Research established.
ii. AgriCultural Universities are established.
iii.Veterinary services are provided.
iv. Animal breeding centres are opened.
v. Infrastructure like roads, electricity cold storage etc is being developed.
vi. Development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast were given priority.
vii. Any other relevant point.
(Any three points to be explained) 3x1=3
i. There are two or more levels of government.
ii. The jurisdiction of the respective tiers of government are specified in the constitution.
iii. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and powers of different levels of
Sources of revenue of each level of government are specified to ensure its financial
autonomy. 4x1=4
More employment in rural areas can be created by :
i.Constructing dams, canals or digging wells in villages.
ii. Creating storage facilities and providing transport services.
iii.Agro based industries can be set up in rural areas or semi belts.
iv.Construction of schools.
v. Making provision for education and health service in rural belts can also result in employments.
vi.Promoting rural crafts and rural tourism is also an employment generation proposal.
36. See attached map for answer
For visually impaired Candidates only
(36.1) Varies from red to brown
(36.2) Periyar
(36.3) Rajasthan
Map Work (Question No. 36
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